

Lisa: Oh, hi Katie. What are you doing here?


Katie: Oh, I just wanted to get out of the house for a while so I came down here to get a coffee and read.


Lisa: Oh, me, too. Well, I will let you get back to your reading. I just thought I would say hi, since I was surprised to bump into you down here.


Katie: Oh, no, don't be silly. Sit down with me.


Lisa: You're sure you wouldn't rather read?


Katie: No, of course not, please sit down.


Lisa: OK, I will. Thanks. So what are you reading?


Katie: Oh, this is this great new book about marketing. The writer explains what goes on psychologically when someone decides to buy something. For example, many people buy something even if they know they won't use it much, or even if they know it is not good value, and in their minds they kind of play tricks on themselves to make it seem OK.


Lisa: That sounds pretty interesting. So are you reading this for work or is this out of personal interest?
リ:とっても面白そうね。仕事のために読んでるの? それとも個人的興味から?


Katie: A little bit of both, really. You know, I moved from the PR department to the marketing department at work, so understanding these kinds of theories can probably give me a little bit of an edge in my work. But on the other hand, I find these books that explain the psychology of everyday life to be really interesting, and I would probably read them even if I didn't feel I had to.
ケ:その両方かな。ねえ、私、広報部からマーケティング部に異動になったじゃない? だから、こういう理論的なことを知っておくと、仕事で有利になるかなあと思って。でも、こういう日常の心理的なことを教えてくれる本って、とっても面白いのよ。だから、「読まなきや」っていう義務感がなくっても、私きっと読むと思うわ。


Lisa: Wow, you seem so dedicated to your work!


Katie: Listen to me, you really have to be dedicated if you want to get anywhere. Or just keep your job for that matter. These days, companies get bigger, get small, a merge, and fall apart all the time. Loads of people become redundant every day. If you want to move ahead, or even just stay where you are, you have to make a lot of effort.


Lisa: It sounds a bit scary, to hear you explain it that way.


Katie: You don't have to think of it is scary. But you have to think of ways to motivate yourself.


Lisa: What do you mean?


Katie: Well, take yourself for example. You're 24, right?


Lisa: Yeah.


Katie: And you have been working just about two years.


Lisa: Uh huh.


Katie: Do you think you have come a long way in those two years?


Lisa: Well, yeah, sort of. I mean, recently I have been helping out, organizing photo shoots and things like that. That is a lot of fun.


Katie: Was that one of your goals two years ago when you started the job?


Lisa: No, not really, my main goal was to be a writer for the magazine.


Katie: You see. That is exactly what I mean.
ケ:わかった? それが私が言いたかったことなの。


Lisa: But I'm having fun doing what I'm doing.


Katie: But you just sort of drifted into doing that kind of work. It wasn't part of your plan.
ケ:でも、いつの間にか流されて、そういう仕事をしてる、って感じじゃない? 計画通リじゃないでしょ?


Lisa: Yes, I suppose that is true.


Katie: Now, where do you see yourself two years from now?


Lisa: I would still like to be a writer for the magazine.


Katie: OK, so you have to take steps to make sure that happens. Read books about magazine writing, study, offer to write a story or two for your magazine for free, just to get experience. And if things are not happening at your current company, then you should start looking around at other companies.


Lisa: Wow, this certainly turned into an interesting conversation!


Katie: Don't worry, I'm not always this serious.


Lisa: Oh, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I really appreciate your advice.


Katie: Don't mention it.


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