

【Lesson 10】


◆How to say when you want to show your appreciation to someone


◆Key Expressions for Lesson 10.


It was really nice [kind] of you to 〜.


I really appreciate 〜.


It’s so nice to 〜 you.




◆Today’s Tip Number 1


We have introduced to you some formal ways to show your appreciation. But if you’re talking with your family or friends, these phrases might sound a little too humble. Here are some phrases you can say in casual situations.


--Many thanks.
--Thanks a lot!
--Thanks a bunch!
--Thanks a million!
--I owe you one.


◆Today’s Tip Number 2


You can add some phrases to “Thank you” and make it sound more formal and impressive.


--Thank you for your kindness.
--Thank you for your cooperation.
--Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
--Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.
◆Let’s try the following exercises.



Q: What would you say if you want to show your appreciation to a co-worker? Try saying it in a formal way.


A: It was really kind of you to help me out like that.


Or you could say,


A: I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.




Q: You are going to meet a client for the first time. What would you say to greet him or her?


A: It’s so nice to meet you.




Q: You are going to meet a client you’ve already met. What would you say to greet him or her?


A: It’s so nice to see you again.




Q: What would you say if you want to show your appreciation to a friend?


A: Many thanks.


Or you could say,


A: I owe you one.


Q: Now, by adding some phrases to “Thank you,” please try to show your appreciation in a rather proper manner. What would you say?


A: Thank you for your kindness.


Or you could say,


A: Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.




◆Now, here are some phrases you can use besides “You’re welcome” when you were thanked by someone.


--Don’t mention it.
--Not at all.
--No problem at all.
--It was nothing.
--It’s my pleasure.



◆Let’s try the following exercises.



Q: You helped your father at home, and he thanked you. What would you say as a reply?


A: No problem at all.




Q: Your co-worker gave you gratitude. You have a friendly relationship with him or her. What would you say as a reply?


A: Don’t mention it.


Or you could say,


A: It was nothing. Ask me anytime.




Q: You’ve worked very hard, and your manager praised your effort. What would you say as a reply?


A: It’s my pleasure.



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